Education Is The Key To Success

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Ready to Enroll

We at Sri Chandra Maurya International School follow a standard and transparent procedure for admissions.

Admission to all classes will be decided on the basis of general procedures laid down by the affiliating body Cambridge International, New Delhi. Application forms for admission shall be received from the school office. Our endeavour is to create a simple process, making admissions hassle free for parents. We are here to help, If you have any questions please contact the admissions department on 04546 - 295032, +91 9488654488

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Admission Process

  • 01

    The minimum age of entry to LKG is 3 years as on 1st June of the current year.

  • 02

    Age for admission to other classess will be progressive corresponding to the age at LKG.

  • 03

    Duly filled in application shall be submittted to school within the specified date to avoid rejection.

  • 04

    Fees for the appropriate classes are fixed by the management and will not be revised.

  • 05

    No reduction in fee will be granted on any account

  • 06

    Parents should give three months notice in writing to the principal or one term fee in lieu of notice on the ground of withdrawing their children permanently.